11 September 2007

Onder het motto van "hou jezelf nuttig bezig" ben ik begonnen met mijn mini-export onderneminkje. Eerst wilde ik een winkeltje openen in Edea met Adel en van daaruit wat dingen exporteren, maar dat is een beetje in t water gevallen omdat dat hier veel teveel kost om dat legaal te doen. De meeste winkels hier doen alles gewoon in t zwart (hihi grappige connotaties!) en dat wordt getolereerd, maar als expat kunt ge zoiets niet maken, want dan komen ze u natuurlijk uitpersen tot ge niks meer over hebt. Dus we beperken ons tot exporteren. Ben al goed gaan onderhandelen met onze artisanat.
Eindelijk een projectje! Zelfs al heb ik mij de laatste tijd al goed kunnen bezighouden met mijn naaimachine, het gevoel van nutteloosheid blijft, dus bij deze proberen we daar verandering in te brengen.
Als er dus iemand geïnteresseerd is in Kameroenese juweeltjes, contacteer mij gerust.

Voor de rest heeft Davidje nog steeds veel werk met zijn nieuw fabriekske. Veel steken we eigenlijk niet uit wegens het regenseizoen en gebrek aan transport. Hopelijk binnenkort meer te vertellen.

06 September 2007

I know it's been a while since I have last been able to write something and I also know I have promised to write more often... There are some decent reasons for not blogging, though. First, David has a lot of work, because they're going to build a new part on his biofactory and since he is the boss he has to plan, make budgets... So he doesn't have a lot of time to bring me over.
Secondly, the internet office is always occupied and that makes me hesitant to come over.
Third reason: it's raining most of the time and then I cannot get to this office at all.
Last reason: there's not a lot going on so not much to write about.
Indeed, we are now experiencing the rainy season. It's not as bad or depressing as we imagind. It does sometimes rain two days in a row, but in a way, the rain here doesn't suck the energy out of you as it does in Belgium. Maybe because it's still kind of sunny most of the time and the temperature is still ok.
So what have I been up to the last couple of weeks?
Not much, as I already said. But I have been able to keep busy much more constructively than before we came to Belgium. So far I have been sewing a lot. We also painted one of our bathrooms and I try to see my friend as much as possible (which, quite frankly, is not a lot).
We were talking about setting up a shop in Edea... but we're not sure. Consumerism is non existant here, so it would be a struggle just to earn someting, and then there's still bills to pay, so we're still pondering if it would be worth our while. And then there's also the transportation problem since neither of us have a car to get to Edea.
But we will find a way to keep occupied (and maybe even make some money, while we're at it).