Our stay in Belgium is almost over. Tomorrow we leave really early in the mornig. We have a flight at 10 am but we still have to get taxes back and so on, so we ll be at the airport way earlier.
Being back in Belgium was a lot heavier than we expected. The first two weeks we've been shopping like crazy people. I had imagined that would have been fun after such a long while without, but it's proven to be a tiresome and hectic experience. Furthermore, you have to combine the shopping with trying to see everybody (that didn't work out! three weeks in Belgium and we didn't manage to see all the people we wanted).
Luckily we went on holiday in Tunesia for a week (funny, a holdiay in a holiday), which was very relaxing, we had our spa treatments in the morning.
Since posting pictures is a lot easier here, I'll put some on of our holiday.

I'll try to blog more often once I'm back in Cameroun. The thing is that most of the time I'm under the impression that I don't have anything to tell, it's just life, you know. But I'll try my best to keep blogging.
Now I have to get on with making our bags!