14 April 2009

In English, please!

Upon request, and due to the lack of ‘universalness’ of the Dutch language, I shall henceforth make an effort to write in English again. Since I’ve kept true to my new years resolution of posting more often and more pictures, I am confident this to school work out. I gave up writing in English a while ago because it’s a tat bit harder and I have to think more thoroughly about what I write (previous post have been in English), and ever since my brain has rotten due to pregnancy, thinking hasn’t been an exciting option.
We’ve just passed a marvelous Easter weekend. On Sunday, there was a big party, with an egghunt for the kids. Aini got a chance to meet and interact with some other babies her age. We spent Monday at the beach at ‘la baie des sirenes’. Aini went for a little swim in the sea, and didn’t seem as afraid as the other times we gave that a shot.
We’ve finally arranged our return for the holidays. We’ll be leaving here on the 19th of june (which means we’re in Belgium on the 20th), to come back the 12th of July. So now it’s time to get out our agenda and start planning, because I really don’t feel like running around like a headless chicken this time, especially because moving around suddenly becomes much more difficult when you have a child.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    My dear beloved daughter,
    I'm so happy we'll see you for the summer holidays and we really look forward to see your little girl again. We (yr dad and I) enjoyed the little films you posted. See you all sooon.
